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An accurate evaluation for financial security


Always oriented towards innovation, from 2022 we offer inventory and valuation services by developing an integrated service comprising both inventory and valuation.

The main purpose of the inventory is to establish the true situation of all the elements of the nature of assets, liabilities and equity of each entity, which must provide a true picture of the financial position and performance of the entity for the financial year in question.

We are your partner in the process of establishing the patrimonial assets, whether the inventory is for internal verification purposes or in relation to the mandatory statements required by law.

In the inventory process we can address:
Physical identification of assets and handling services related to this process.
Implementation of the labeling process.
Comparison of the scriptual with the factual.
Verification and capitalization of results.

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Necessary documents
  • Articles of incorporation of the company, as amended
  • Financial statements for the last 5 years
  • Budget of expected incomes and expenses for the next 3-5 years
  • Depreciation plan for fixed assets
  • Statement of loans contracted (including leasing)
  • Rental contracts, management location, concession, lease and leasing - Labor force used, its qualification and competence, persons in the management of the company
  • List of trademarks and patents belonging to the company
  • Stock situation of raw materials, materials, unfinished production, finished products and other current assets
  • Situation of suppliers and customers of the company, with amounts, at the date of evaluation
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