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Financial Reporting

In order to comply with different financial reporting standards, companies may be required to have an independent and objective estimate of the fair value of their assets and liabilities. FairValue has a strong team of experts in accounting, finance, fixed assets and intellectual property.

Purposes of the valuation for
financial reporting

1. Determination of the value of an asset or liability for its registration in the statement of financial position
2. Allocation of the purchase price of an undertaking
3. Depreciation testing
4. Classification of leases

Assets valuation
In the financial reporting valuation, we estimate the fair value of tangible assets such as lands, buildings, machinery and equipment, as well as intangible assets, such as trademarks, invention patents, patents, software applications. Also, the investments held by the subject company in the capital of other companies can be revalued, in order to reflect the fair values of these holdings in the annual financial statements. We have extensive experience in providing business valuation services, from companies listed on the stock exchange to small and medium enterprises.

Valuation for the allocation of the purchase price ("PPA")
Following a combination of undertakings, i.e. the acquisition of a holding providing control in one or more undertakings, IFRS 3 requires the acquirer to account for the transaction by recognising the identifiable assets separately acquired and the liabilities assumed at fair value. According to IFRS 3, goodwill is the difference between the purchase price paid for the transfer of the undertaking and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. Our experience in the financial field, together with our extensive knowledge of various industries, leads to the correct evaluation of each component of the transaction.

Depreciation testing 
The value of a company's assets, both tangible and intangible, could be affected by external economic conditions and volatile financial markets. As a result, according to IAS 36, an entity must review the different asset classes at the time of each financial position statement to determine whether there is any indication that the asset could be depreciated. FairValue provides valuation services to test the depreciation of goodwill, tangible assets and intangible assets.

Valuation of the asset or liability in a lease 
According to IFRS 16, leases are classified to be included in the lessor's financial statements either as operational leases or as financial leases. In the financial statements, the lessee must recognise an asset relating to the right of use/usage and a liability arising from the lease. Assessments may be required, for example, to determine how to classify a lease for the lessor or to record assets such as rights of use at fair value in the case of the lessee. 

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Necessary documents
  • Trial balance at the time of assessment
  • Situation of fixed assets in the patrimony at the time of valuation
  • other documents relating to the assets valued.
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