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An accurate evaluation for financial security

Valuation Review

For the safety of the use of information in the various operations carried out, the beneficiaries of the evaluation reports drawn up by the authorized evaluators sometimes need confirmation that those reports were made in compliance with the Asset Valuation Standards. This can be obtained by contracting an authorized assessor who also holds the specialization VE - Assessment Verification.

Verification of a valuation is the process of drawing up an opinion on its preparation method and communicating that opinion, a process which is materialised by a written report.

The FairValue team employs 12 authorised valuators who also hold the VV specialization – Vvaluation Verification, and are empowered to verify valuation reports for real estate, machinery and equipment, enterprises and intangible assets.

The checks must include in the terms of reference their objective: simple or extended. In the case of simple-objective checks, the verifier shall issue and communicate an opinion on the conformity of the valuation report subject to verification with the valuation standards specified in the terms of reference of the verification and with the applicable legal provisions.

In the case of an extended objective, the verifier's conclusion on the value of the asset valued in the report subject to verification shall be required.

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Necessary documents
  • As a rule, the verified assessment report and all the documents and information underlying the value estimate are required to verify an assessment. Communication between the verifier and the valuer is also very important.
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