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An accurate evaluation for financial security
Who are we?
FAIRVALUE CONSULTING S.R.L. (hereinafter referred to as "FAIRVALUE" or "The Controller"), gives increased importance to your personal data, constantly submitting the necessary diligence to ensure that the data processing performed complies with the legal requirements in this field. For this purpose, we have developed this commitment by which we undertake to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and through which we explain to you what categories of personal data FAIRVALUE processes, the way in which those data are used, as well as the purpose for which they are subjected to processing operations. This Policy relates only to the personal data that we process through our website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site" or the "Platform") in the context in which you interact with it by filling in the forms available on the platform, by creating a new account, registering a review, placing an order, subscribing to the newsletter, filling in the contact form or if you only browse this. We want to assure you that we have taken all the necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of your data, these being processed only by the Operator's staff who have been previously trained on the processing of personal data and authorized in this regard and who respect firm confidentiality commitments. In order to get to know us virtually, we provide you with our identification data. The operator that processes your personal data when browsing or interacting with the online platform is FAIRVALUE CONSULTING S.R.L., with its registered office in Bucharest, Sector 2, Str. Sfantul Spiridon nr. 7, registered with the Trade Register under number J40/3144/2005, having cui 17254259.For any questions / concerns regarding the protection of personal data you are invited to send a request to the postal address indicated above or to the electronic correspondence address Persons who submit such requests to FAIRVALUE are asked to mention in the subject of the e-mail / on the correspondence envelope information such as "data protection", "GDPR", "personal data", thus there is a guarantee that the requests will be treated with priority. In this capacity, you will receive an answer within 30 days from the communication of the document to FAIRVALUE, an extension of this term being able to operate only in exceptional situations. In these cases, we assure you that you will be properly informed about this term.
"Personal data" means, for the purposes of the national and international legislation in force, any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

! For the purposes of this policy, the personal data that will be the subject of processing may refer to: name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, delivery address, etc., as described below.

"Processing of personal data" means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, by automatic or non-automatic means, such as: collecting, recording, organizing, storing, adapting or modifying, extracting, consulting, using, disclosing to third parties by transmission, dissemination or in any other way, joining or combining, blocking, deleting or destroying.

! For the purposes of this policy, data processing refers to those processing carried out at the time of your navigation on the website or interacting with it by filling in the forms available on the Platform.

"Operator" means the person who, alone or together with others, establishes the purposes and means of processing personal data.

! For the sake of clarity, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the Personal Data Controller is FAIRVALUE.

"Data subject" means the person whose personal data are the object of processing.

! For the purposes of this Policy, the person concerned by the data processing is the Internet user who browses the website

The "consent" of the data subject means any manifestation of the free, specific, informed and unambiguous will of the data subject by which he/she accepts, by a statement or by an unequivocal action, that the personal data concerning him/her to be processed.

"Third party" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body, other than the data subject, the controller, the person empowered by the controller and the persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or of the person empowered by the controller, are authorized to process personal data.

"Person empowered by the controller" means the person who processes the personal data on behalf of the operator.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

What types of personal data do we process?
Navigarea ta pe Site si interactiunea cu acesta implica prelucrarea a doua categorii de date cu caracter personal, si anume:

a. date personale pe care le dezvalui Operatorului in mod voluntar (ex. prin intermediul formularului de comanda sau de contact, respectiv in situatia  abonarii la newsletter), acestea fiind colectate in mod individual;

b. date pe care le furnizezi in mod involuntar, prin simpla navigare pe site-ul nostru.

In situatia in care se opteaza pentru facturarea pe persoana juridica, atragem atentia asupra faptului ca datele cerute si introduse in formularele de pe site in numele unei persoane juridice nu reprezinta date cu caracter personal (adresa de e-mail a societatii ca de exemplu denumire@office, numarul de telefon al societatii ca de exemplu numarul de fix etc.) in lumina prevederilor Regulamentului nr. 679/2016 privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal (GDPR). 
In situatia in care sunt furnizate datele cu caracter personal ale reprezentantului societatii persoana fizica (nume si prenume, numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail), acesta va fi considerat drept persoana vizata conform prevederilor GDPR si ii vor fi aplicabile toate masurile de protectie. 
Utilizatorul este informat corespunzator cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal atunci cand pune la dispozitia Operatorului datele sale prin intermediul formularelor de pe site, astfel FAIRVALUE indeplinindu-si obligatia legala de informare a utilizatorului.
FAIRVALUE colecteaza, pe baza furnizarii voluntare a persoanei vizate, urmatoarele date cu caracter personal:

A. In cazul solicitarii unei oferte:
nume si prenume;
numar de telefon;
orice alte informatii puse la dispozitia Operatorului prin completarea rubricii ,,mesaj’’ sau telefonic;
adresa de e-mail, comunicata telefonic;
vocea, cu ocazia contactarii telefonice.

B. Pentru programarea unei intalniri:
nume si prenume;
numar de telefon; 
adresa de e-mail comunicata telefonic;
orice alte date pe care le pui telefonic la dispozitia Operatorului telefonic;
vocea (in contextul contactarii telefonice de catre Operator).

C. Pentru completarea formularului ,,AJUTOR’’:
nume si prenume;
numar de telefon;
orice alte informatii puse la dispozitia Operatorului prin completarea rubricii ,,mesaj’’ sau telefonic;
adresa de e-mail, comunicata telefonic;
vocea, cu ocazia contactarii telefonice.

D. Pentru completarea formularului de contact:
nume si prenume;
numar de telefon;
orice alte informatii puse la dispozitia Operatorului prin completarea rubricii ,,mesaj’’ sau telefonic;
adresa de e-mail, comunicata telefonic;
vocea, cu ocazia contactarii telefonice.

E. Pentru obtinerea de informatii suplimentare/ depunere de sesizari via e-mail au telefonic (asistenta clienti)
adresa de e-mail;
numar de telefon (in contextul in care contactati telefonic Operatorul);
orice alte date cu caracter personal pe care le pui la dispozitia Operatorului pentru solutionarea sesizarii/ oferirii de detalii suplimentare solicitate;
vocea (in contextul in care contactati telefonic Operatorul).

F. In contextul convorbirilor telefonice inbound/ outbound 
numarul de telefon;
alte categorii de date personale pe care persoana vizata le pune la dispozitie in contextul convorbirilor telefonice si care se pot referi la:
   nume si prenume;
   adresa de e-mail;

G. Pentru abonarea la newsletter
Abonarea la newsletter este conditionata de oferirea consimtamantului dumneavoastra in scopul primirii de mesaje comerciale si de marketing. In acest context, se vor prelucra, ca data cu caracter personal, numele, respectiv adresa dumneavoastra de e-mail.
Aceste date contribuie la prestarea serviciilor oferite de FairValue, dar si la comunicarea cu Operatorul  sau transmiterea de comunicari de marketing din partea acestuia, insa cu obtinerea in prealabil a acordului Utilizatorului. 
De asemenea, Operatorul prelucreaza si date de marketing si comunicare numai in baza consimtamantului prealabil al utilizatorilor, dar si date tehnice si actiuni de navigare prin intermediul fisierelor de tip cookie si tehnologiilor similare. Puteti accesa politica noastra de cookie-uri pe Site.
In situatia in care ne veti pune la dispozitie date personale care nu ne sunt necesare pentru scopurile mai jos descrise, respectiv pentru punerea la dispozite a serviciilor FairValue, pentru solutionarea reclamatiilor dumneavoastra sau pentru oferirea de informatii suplimentare, ne rezervam dreptul de a le elimina de indata din baza noastra de date.
Operatorul poate colecta involuntar si alte date personale care va apartin si anume: adresa IP, versiune browser, setare fus orar si locatie, sistem de operare, platforme de pe dispozitivele folosite pentru a ne accesa site-urile etc. Aceste informatii nu vor fi utilizate pentru identificarea persoanelor fizice sau juridice dupa caz, si nu vor fi facute publice altfel decat in conditiile inserate in prezenta Politica de Confidentialitate, completata cu Politica de Cookie-uri.
Operatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a va solicita informatii suplimentare, insotite de documente doveditoare, prin intermediul e-mailului, tiparite sau in orice alt mod considerat oportun pentru Operator, daca este cazul, in scopurile detaliate mai jos.

! Nota: FAIRVALUE a incheiat acorduri de prelucrare a datelor cu furnizorii sai de servicii (spre exemplu: IT/ administrare sistem online, servicii juridice, servicii procesare plati etc.), insa nu raspunde pentru prelucrarile efectuate de acesti furnizori in nume propriu, in situatia in care acestia ar prelucra datele in calitate de operatori independenti, persoana vizata fiind informata in mod corespunzator cu privire la prelucrarile ce presupun un transfer de date intre FAIRVALUE si orice societate care furnizeaza servicii catre Operator.

Datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal pot fi comunicate de FAIRVALUE, in vederea prelucrarii, unor persoane imputernicite cu prelucrarea acestora, inclusiv partenerilor contractuali, autoritatilor si institutiilor financiare, instantelor judecatoresti sau organismelor competente, la solicitarea acestora si in scopul furnizarii serviciilor oferite de Operator.
FAIRVALUE poate stoca datele dumneavoastra personale chiar si dupa inregistrarea unei cereri de stergere a acestor date, daca stocarea se face in unul din urmatoarele scopuri, prevazute de art. 13 din GDPR, respectiv:
a. executarea unui contract;
b. indeplinirea unei obligatii legale care prevede prelucrarea in temeiul dreptului Uniunii Europene sau al dreptului intern care se aplica operatorului;
c. exercitarea dreptului la libera exprimare si la informare;
d. protejarea intereselor vitale ale persoanelor vizate;
e. indeplinirea unei sarcini care serveste interesului public;
f. arhivare in interes public, cercetare stiintifica sau istorica ori in scopuri statistice;
g. apararea intereselor legitime ale Operatorului sau ale unei parti terte, cu exceptia cazului in care prevaleaza interesele sau drepturile si libertatile fundamentale ale persoanei vizate, care necesita protejarea datelor cu caracter personal, in special atunci cand persoana vizata este un copil;
h. pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apararea unui drept in instanta.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

For what purpose we process personal data
FAIRVALUE processes your personal data for the following purposes and with the following legal grounds:
a. the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or to take steps at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract (Art. 6 para. (1) point (b) of Regulation (EU) No .../... 679/ 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016), in concrete terms, in order to ensure the access of the data subject to the products marketed on the Platform and to conclude the distance sale;
b. the processing is carried out on the basis of the consent of the data subjects (art. 6, para. (1), point (a) of Regulation (EU) No .../... 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016), in case of transmission of commercial and marketing communications;
c. processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Operator (art. 6 para. (1) point (f) of Regulation (EU) No .../... 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016), for the recruitment of competent personnel, for solving problems of any kind regarding the content of the site or the services offered by the Operator, as well as for the actions involving the interaction with the online platform.

Your personal data will be processed in order for FAIRVALUE to:
a. improve the site and the services provided through it;
b. determine the usefulness / popularity of the web content presented on the site;
c. send technical, assistance or administrative notifications;
d. honor the requests and solve the complaints received from the users;
e. facilitates the user's access to the services offered by FAIRVALUE;
f. communicates information of interest to the users of the site;
g. protect the rights belonging to FAIRVALUE.
Duration of processing of personal data
The personal data processed at FAIRVALUE level through the website are retained for a reasonable period of time in relation to the purpose of data processing, in accordance with the legal provisions in the field of data archiving.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

Special provisions relating to minors
The operator pays special attention to the data of minors that could be provided by them by filling in the forms available on the online platform, to ensure that any processing of personal data of minors is carried out only in accordance with legal requirements and in strictly determined cases.
Thus, the Operator does not perform activities of any kind towards minors, including promotional activities of direct marketing. However, if a minor contacts the Operator through the related forms or by phone, it will be considered that the minor has done so with the consent of his/her legal representative.
Minors who have not reached the age of 14 are not allowed to request services offered by the Operator, unless these operations are performed on behalf of the minor by the legal representative or his guardian, according to the law.
In this regard, any person who provides personal data to the Controller through the site or other applications or devices covered by this Policy guarantees that he is of age, respectively that he has full exercise capacity.
Any processing of personal data belonging to minors will be carried out only under the law and taking into account the above provisions.

The name "Relume" is born.

Transfer of personal data
Your data is processed on the territory of the European Union, through secure internal servers. However, through the specific plugins of social networks (for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), being third-party recipients, it is possible that your data processed in this context to be transferred outside the European Union / European Economic Area and stored on servers in third countries. In this regard, the Operator has implemented a series of necessary and adequate measures, able to ensure a compliant data processing.
FAIRVALUE undertakes that the collected data to be processed only in accordance with the stated purposes and not to make public, to sell, rent, license, transfer, etc. unauthorized database containing information regarding the data of the data subjects to any third party not involved in the fulfillment of the declared purposes, except for the situation in which the transfer / access / view, etc. is requested by the competent bodies, in the cases provided by the regulations in force at the time of the event.
It is possible that your data will be disclosed to other companies that provide us with services and act as empowered persons, such as providers who provide website maintenance services, IT, legal, etc.
These entities or persons are selected with special care to ensure that they meet the specific requirements in terms of personal data protection. They have a limited ability to use your information for purposes other than to provide services to us.
In addition to the disclosures described in this Privacy Policy, we may transmit information to third parties to whom you consent or request that we make such disclosure.
Links, Hyperlinks, Third Party Sites
The site may contain links to third-party sites that may in turn collect your personal data, including through cookies or other technologies.
In case of connection to a third party website, fairvalue's privacy policy will not be applicable to your navigation on that site.
What are the rights you hold as a data subject?
Orice persoana fizica care navigheaza pe site-ul nostru, in calitate de persoana vizata, are urmatoarele drepturi in raport cu FAIRVALUE, ca Operator de date cu caracter personal:
Dreptul la acces inseamna dreptul persoanei vizate de a obtine o confirmare din partea Operatorului ca acesta prelucreaza sau nu datele cu caracter personal care o privesc si, in caz afirmativ, acces la datele respective si la informatii privind modalitatea in care sunt prelucrate datele;
Dreptul la rectificare se refera la corectarea, fara intarzieri nejustificate, a datelor cu caracter personal inexacte prelucrate sau la completarea acestora, in cazul in care sunt incomplete. Acestea pot fi modificate prin transmiterea unui e-mail la adresa:
Dreptul la eliminarea datelor/ dreptul la stergerea („dreptul de a fi uitat”) acestora din baza de date inseamna dreptul persoanei vizate de a solicita sa ii fie sterse datele cu caracter personal, fara intarzieri nejustificate, in cazul in care se aplica unul dintre urmatoarele motive: acestea nu mai sunt necesare pentru indeplinirea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate sau prelucrate, isi retrage consimtamantul si nu exista niciun alt temei juridic pentru prelucrare, se opune prelucrarii si nu exista motive legitime care sa prevaleze, datele cu caracter personal au fost prelucrate ilegal, datele cu caracter personal trebuie sterse pentru respectarea unei obligatii legale, datele cu caracter personal au fost colectate in legatura cu oferirea de servicii ale societatii informationale;
Dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii poate fi exercitat in cazul in care persoana vizata solicita limitarea prelucrarii datelor sale cu caracter personal, caz in care acestea vor fi utilizate strict pentru exercitarea celorlalte drepturi legale ale persoanei vizate, inclusiv pentru a raspunde la orice solicitari/ reclamatii din partea acesteia;
Dreptul la portabilitate se refera la dreptul de a primi datele personale intr-un format structurat, utilizat in mod curent si care poate fi citit automat si la dreptul ca aceste date sa fie transmise direct altui operator, atunci cand prelucrarea are ca temei consimtamantul sau executarea unui contract si se efectueaza prin mijloace automatizate, daca acest lucru este fezabil din punct de vedere tehnic;
Dreptul la opozitie vizeaza dreptul persoanei vizate de a se opune prelucrarii datelor personale atunci cand prelucrarea este necesara pentru indeplinirea unei sarcini care serveste unui interes public sau cand are in vedere un interes legitim al FAIRVALUE;
Dreptul de a se opune la prelucrarea datelor in baza unor decizii individuale automate se refera la faptul ca persoana vizata are dreptul de a nu face obiectul unei decizii bazate exclusiv pe prelucrarea automata, inclusiv crearea de profiluri, care produce efecte juridice care privesc persoana vizata sau o afecteaza in mod similar intr-o masura semnificativa. Cu toate acestea, nu va fi posibila exercitarea acestui drept in cazul in care decizia este necesara pentru incheierea sau executarea unui contract intre persoana vizata si FAIRVALUE, este autorizata de dreptul aplicabil Operatorului, cu conditia sa se asigure protectia adecvata a drepturilor, libertatilor si intereselor persoanelor vizate sau se bazeaza pe consimtamantul persoanei vizate obtinut cu respectarea legislatiei in vigoare;
Dreptul de a se adresa Autoritatii Nationale de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal. In situatia in care persoana vizata considera ca drepturile prevazute mai sus au fost incalcate, are posibilitatea de a se adresa ANSPDCP prin depunerea unei plangeri.
Datele de contact ale A.N.S.P.D.C.P. sunt urmatoarele:
Adresa: Mun. Bucuresti, Sector 1, B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru nr. 28-30;
Telefon: 0.318.059.211/0.318.059.212; 
Fax: 0.318.059.602; 
Pagina web:
Pentru exercitarea drepturilor prevazute mai sus persoana vizata se va adresa FAIRVALUE prin transmiterea unei solicitari la adresa: Mun. Bucuresti, Sectorul 2, Str. Sfantul Spiridon nr. 7 sau la adresa de corespondenta electronica mentionata mai sus, in cadrul primei sectiuni a prezentei Politici.
Final provisions
If FAIRVALUE considers that a change in the confidentiality rules is necessary, the Operator will publish those changes in order to inform the data subjects about the information they collect and how they use them.
The provisions of the Privacy Policy are completed with the provisions of the Cookie Policy, present on the website.

Privacy and Personal Data Security Policy

FairValue Consulting SRL is fully dedicated to protecting the privacy of all personal data that we collect, process and store.

FairValue Consulting SRL is a personal data controller.

Controller: Any natural or legal person, whether private or public, including public authorities, their institutions and territorial structures, who determines the purpose and means of processing personal data.

This Privacy and Personal Data Security Policy helps you understand:

What is personal data
What data we collect and how we collect it
Cookies modules
How, why and how long we process this data
To whom and why we transmit personal data
How we protect this data
What are your rights
How you can exercise these rights
How to contact us

What is personal data

According to (EU) Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR) which enters into force from 25 May 2018:Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. Different information which, collected, may lead to the identification of a particular person also constitutes personal data.

Examples of personal data: a first and last name; a home address; an email address, such as; a number of ID documents; location data; an Internet Protocol (IP) address; a cookie identifier.

What data we collect and how we collect it

Information you provide to us
The data you submit through the forms available on this website (request for certification offer, registration /booking for the course, sign-up to the newsletter, sign-up and participation in the seminars organized by us, registration and participation in organized competitions) in physical or digital format, via e-mail messages sent to us or following phone calls.

Automatically collected data
When you access our website the web server automatically saves access logs (journals) containing the visitor's IP address, the web resource (document) accessed, and information about the Operating System/Browser used. We store this data to prevent fraud and ensure the security of the website and information. We also use cookies on our website to improve the browsing experience of all visitors as well as to measure the effectiveness of this website. Cookies do not collect or process any information on which the user could be identified.

Cookies Modules utilizează cookie-uri proprii precum și cookie-uri plasate de terți. Acestea ne oferă un feedback valoros asupra modului în care site-ul este utilizat de către vizitatori, ne permit includerea de conținut de pe alte site-uri și ne permit să monitorizăm și să îmbunătățim eficiența website-ului precum și a campaniilor de publicitate online. Utilizarea modulelor cookie pe acest site nu este strict necesară, însă o parte din funcții sau din conținut nu vorfi disponibile dacă nu permiteți utilizarea cookie-urilor.

Ce sunt modulele cookie?
Un modul cookie reprezintă un fișier text de mici dimensiuni trimis de un server unui navigator web (browser) și apoi trimis înapoi (nemodificat) de către navigator, de fiecare dată când accesează acel server. Un cookie este format din 2 părți: nume și conținut (valoare). Durata de existență a unui cookie este determinată.Din punct de vedere tehnic, doar serverul web care a trimis cookie-ul îl poate accesa din nou în momentul în care un utilizator revizitează website-ulrespectiv. Cookie-urile nu solicită informații cu caracter personal pentru a putea fi utilizate si, în cele mai multe cazuri,nu identifica personal utilizatorii de internet. folosește module cookie cu scopul de a monitoriza și îmbunătăți eficiența website-ului precum și a campaniilor de publicitate foloseste 2 categorii de module cookie: Cookie-uri de Sesiune și Cookie-uri Persistente, atât proprii cât și plasate de terți. 

Cookie-uri de Sesiune
Sunt stocate temporar până când utilizatorul părăsește website-ul sau închide fereastra browserului sau până când sunt șterse de către serverul web.
Folosim această categorie de module cookie pentru a salva și afișa utilizatorului datele completate de el în cadrul formularelor din site, încazul în care au survenit erori la transmiterea acestora. În momentul în careformularul s-a transmis cu succes, aceste module cookie de sesiune sunt șterse automat.

Cookie-uri Persistente
Sunt stocate pe hard disk-ul utilizatorului pentru o durată de existență prestabilită. Acestea includ șimodulele cookie plasate de un alt website decât, cunoscute sub numele de 'thirdparty cookies' (cookie-uri plasate de terți).
Folosim cookie-uri persistente proprii pentru a salva preferințele de navigare ale vizitatorului pe acest website. Acestea au o durata de existență de 30 de zile.

Cookie-uri plasate de terți
Aceste cookie-uri pot proveni de laurmătorii terți: Google, Youtube și Facebook. Prin acceptul dumneavoastră, cookie-urile vor fi utilizate pentru următoarele scopuri:
Analiza vizitatorilor. De fiecare dată când un utilizator accesează acest site, aplicația de Analytics generează un cookie. Acest cookie ne spune dacă ați mai vizitat acest site până acum și permite monitorizarea utilizatorilor unici care ne vizitează și cât de des o fac. Ca și aplicație de Analytics folosim soluția Google Analytics cu     extensia „anonymize Ip()“, ce anonimizează toate adresele IP ale vizitatorilor.

Mai multe detalii aici:
Nu colectăm și nu procesăm nicio informație pe baza căreia utilizatorul ar putea fi identificat.
Puteți refuza utilizarea de module cookie de către Google Analytics prin descărcarea și insalarea modulului Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Mai multe detalii despre Google Analytics aici:  

Desfășurarea și analiza campaniilor de publicitate online.
SC FairValue Consulting SRL desfășoară campanii de publicitate online prin intermediul platformelor oferite de Google și     Facebook sau alte platforme online. Aceste platforme stochează cookie-uri ce permit măsurarea eficienței campaniilor noastre de publicitate online și pentru a afișa pe alte site-uri reclame adaptate la presupusele interese ale vizitatorilor. Includerea de conținut     multimedia. Unele pagini ale site-ului au incluse clipuri video de pe platforma Youtube. În cazul în care cookie-urile sunt blocate pe acest site, respectivul conținut nu va fi afișat. Cookie-uri plasate de serviciile Google folosite: Google Conversion Tracking este un serviciu de analiză alGoogle destinat măsurării eficienței campaniilor noastre de publicitate online efectuate prin Google AdWords. în acest context, Google setează un modul cookie pe computerul/echipamentul mobil al vizitatorului atunci când acesta accesează un anunț Google și ajunge în website-ul nostru. Aceste module cookie nu sunt coroborate cu identificarea personală. Cu ajutorul Google Conversion Tracking, putem identifica faptul că cineva a făcut clic pe anunțul nostru publicitar și a fost astfel     redirecționat către pagina noastră. Datele colectate cu Google Conversion Tracking servesc exclusiv la întocmirea de statistici privind eficiența și îmbunătățirea campaniilor noastre de publicitate online prin Google AdWords. Nu colectăm și nu procesăm nicio informație pe baza căreia utilizatorul ar putea fi identificat. Google Remarketing. Prin aceste tehnologii, utilizatorii care au vizitat deja paginile noastre web pot fi abordați din nou prin publicitate orientată pe celelalte pagini ale rețelei de parteneri ai Google.
Dacă nu doriți să primiți publicitate pe bază de interese, acest lucru se poate dezactiva accesând această pagină:  
Informații suplimentare și informații privind dezactivarea serviciilor   publicitare Google, disponibile aici: 

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Prin intermediul Facebook Conversion Pixels putem identifica faptul că un utilizator a accesat website-ul nostru prin intermediul unui anunț publicitar din Facebook. Datele colectate cu Facebook Conversion Pixel servesc exclusiv la eficiența și îmbunătățirea campaniilor noastre de publicitate online pe Facebook.
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Nu colectăm și nu procesăm nicio informație despre utilizatorii Facebook cărora li se adresează publicitatea orientată și nu avem posibilitatea de a identifica utilizatori individuali.
Mai multe informații privindscopurile și volumul de colectare și prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personalde către Facebook:
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How, why and how long we process this data

Processing of personal data:
Any operation or set of operations that is carried out on personal data by automatic or non-automatic means, such as collection, registration, organisation, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, disclosure to third parties by transmission, dissemination or otherwise, joining or combining, blocking, erasure or destruction.

Storage on any kind of support of personal data collected.

FairValue Consulting will process personal data for the following purposes:
To provide the services requested by you. To confirm the services you have ordered and provide you with additional information about them. For bidding, contracting, billing operations. For compliance with applicable laws. For activities specific to the Human Resources department, if you are interested in being part of our team. To inform you about promotional offers, news about services in our company's portfolio or to invite you to free seminars organized. To prevent fraud and to ensure the security of the website and information. We will process this data throughout our contractual relationship and, after its completion, at least for the period required by the applicable legal provisions in the field, including, but not limited to, archiving provisions.

To whom and why we transmit personal data

The privacy of personal data is one of the most important aspects for us. We do not transmit this data to third parties unless necessary, and only the data necessary to comply with legal or accreditation requirements.

How we protect this data

Personal data is processed safely. FairValue Consulting has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures regarding data security, against unauthorized processing or alteration, against loss or destruction, and against unauthorized disclosure and access to personal data transmitted, stored or processed.

FairValue Consulting ensures the integrity, availability, confidentiality and authenticity of personal data.

FairValue Consulting uses advanced security methods and technologies, together with policies applied to employees and working procedures to protect the processing of personal data, in accordance with the legal provisions in force. The provider of the website hosting services through which we collect personal data is
FairValue Consulting makes every reasonable and commercially justified effort to protect the personal data we hold, we analyze new technologies in the field and then and, if necessary, we apply them to upgrade our security systems. In case of a security breach that endangers your privacy or personal information, we undertake to inform you of these things, either through this website or by other means at our disposal (email messages, phone calls).

What are your rights

Access, Information, Correction and Objection
You can contact us and we will inform you of the personal information we have collected and processed about you and the purposes for which this data is used. You have the right to correct any incorrect, incomplete, outdated or unnecessary personal information stored related to you. You may challenge certain uses of personal information, including direct marketing, if such data is processed for purposes other than the purposes necessary for the performance of our services or for the fulfilment of a legal obligation. You may also challenge any further processing of personal information after your prior consent. If you object to further processing of your personal information, this may lead to fewer opportunities to use our services.

Delete and right to restrict processing
You may also ask us to delete your personal information from our systems. We will comply with this request if we do not have a legitimate reason not to delete the data. After deleting the data, we may not be able to immediately delete all residual copies of all of our systems. These copies will be removed as soon as possible. You may ask us to restrict the processing of certain personal data, but this may lead to fewer opportunities to benefit from the services offered.

Right to portability
You have the right to receive the personal information provided by you in a structured and commonly used format.

How you can exercise these rights

These rights can be exercised by filling in and submitting the form below in physical format or by means of an email to the addresses below.

Rights Request Form

We may request that additional information be provided to confirm your identity. We can reject claims that are unreasonably repetitive, excessive or manifestly unfounded. If you believe that our personal information processing activities do not comply with applicable data protection law, a complaint may be made to:

National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing
• General B-dul. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, Sector 1, postal code 010336, Bucharest, Romania

How to contact us

If you have any questions about data protection, you are welcome to contact us at any time:

FairValue Consulting S.R.L.Bucharesti, St. Spiridon Nr. 7,Sector 2, ROMANIA

021.322.71.07 (fax)

Georgiana Ionescu - Data Protection Officer

Rights Request Form
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