An accurate evaluation for financial security

What goods can be valued by an appraiser?

Posted by
Marius Sabo

The role of the authorized assessor is to estimate a correct value, for a particular asset, at a certain date, all of which is materialized in an evaluation report. If you've ever wondered what an authorized assessor can rate, the answer is: anything/object that can be estimated to have a value estimated.

Today we are going to discuss the types of goods that an assessor can assess, of course, according to his qualifications. Once again we want to emphasize that the appraiser does not estimate a price, but a value of a good (in a previous article you will find more details about the difference between price and value).

The assets that a valuer can value are divided into several categories, as follows:

- real estate (immovable property): houses, apartments, commercial spaces, industrial spaces, office premises, etc.;

- movable property: machinery, equipment, installations, stocks of raw materials, materials, inventory items, furniture, collections, etc.;

- enterprises, intangible assets and business-generating properties: the full package of shares or shares held in the capital of an enterprise, as well as participations in enterprises, intangible assets (licences, patents, marks and other identifiable intangible assets that can be traded individually); business-generating properties - hotels, motels, campsites, polyclinics and hospitals petrol stations, restaurants, cafes, clubs, bars, theaters and cinemas;

- financial instruments: any contract that simultaneously generates a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity is represented by a financial instrument.

Depending on the type of asset and according to the principle of professional competence, the assessor must have the following specializations:

    • EPI – real estate valuations;

    • EoI – valuations of enterprises, goodwill and other intangible assets;

    • EBM – valuations of movable property;

    • Eif – stock assessments and other financial instruments.

  In addition to those mentioned, there is also the specialization of the VE corresponding to the verification of evaluation reports.

The FairValue team, with a national coverage, consists of evaluators with a long experience in the field who have in their portfolio all the above mentioned qualifications and evaluators who specialize only in a few of the categories. Regardless of the type of asset or the complexity of the work you can confidently turn to fairvalue evaluators.

Whether we are talking about bank guarantee or business evaluation, we are ready to quickly take over any request.

FairValue is#rightwithyou.

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