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Real estate

What does a real estate appraiser mean (difference from a real estate agent)

Posted by
Ionuț Costache

A real estate appraiser is that natural or legal person authorized by ANEVAR – National Association of Authorized Valuators of Romania, with significant experience in real estate, competence in valuation in the real estate market, who knows, understands and can correctly implement those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to carry out a credible valuation according to the Property Valuation Standards – ANEVAR.

Such an evaluator must be impartial, honest, fair, upright, without personal interests. A mandatory condition to be able to practice the profession of real estate appraiser is the lack of criminal record. Another condition is compliance with the code of ethics of the profession of authorised valuer adopted by ANEVAR.

Knowing exactly what the value of a real estate property is requires the opinion of an expert, as it can know developments and involutions. Whether it is a studio, apartment, a house with land or a commercial building, the value must be well known, influenced in turn by a number of factors.

What few know when applying for the services of an appraiser is that he has an obligation to improve professionally and is required to carry out at least 20 hours of continuous training each year. This is true regardless of the number of specialisations of the authorised valuer.

A cheap and hasty valuation report does not mean a well done work. The speed of the work is generally not a good thing. The only valuation that really helps the client is not the one made immediately, on the contrary is the evaluation made correctly through a complex process, which requires documentation, study, deepening.

When do you need a authorised real estate appraiser?

The predominant situations in which you need a real estate appraiser are those when certain properties are sold or transferred, but there are also more diverse cases than that. As adjacent examples we can list the situations of contracting of loans from banks, for which it is offered as collateral on the property but also expropriations, compensation, inventories, sharing and numerous other cases.

Why is it appropriate to call an authorized real estate appraiser?

With the help of knowledge, but also by applying specific valuation calculations and methods, the valuator thus draws up the valuation report to be handed over to the client. The value established for a property may differ depending on the purpose for which it was made and its characteristics.

The recommendation is that the choice of the valuator should not be made according to the rate it asks for or the speed by which it promises to provide a valuation report. A low price can hide inexperience or low quality of work, and a short time to make the report may involve superficiality on the part of the valuator.

What does a real estate agent (broker) mean?

The role of a real estate agent is to help you save time, money and energy when you want to buy or sell a real estate. The real estate agent's job in a sale or purchase transaction is to market to find the right buyers or sellers for a particular property.

When do you need a real estate expert?

Each of us has or has had a real estate need, whether we are talking about the sale of a real estate, the purchase of a home or simply a rental. Most of the time, this real estate need turns into a stressful process, so to ease this process, a real estate agent is called upon.

How do we check the professionalism and experience of the agent?

In the process of hiring a real estate agent, the first criterion may be to verify the extent of his involvement in the future transaction and to establish the framework for collaboration. It is useful to make sure that the intention of the real estate agent is to understand your needs first, so that he can then offer you solutions only based on your need. At the same time, it is recommended to make sure that during the collaboration relationship, it will consider pursuing your best interest, which can only be achieved by exclusive representation.

In the absence of regulations and norms of the profession of real estate agent in Romania, it is difficult to appreciate the professionalism in this field. Unlike a real estate agent, the status of a valuator can be justified by the specific identification and stamp, approved for the current year, attesting to the continuous training and the rating of the real estate expert appraiser.    

What are the differences in the price paid for the services of a real estate appraiser and those of a real estate agent?

The price required for the appraiser's services will never be correlated with the value of the asset, but with the amount of work required to prepare the report, as opposed to the commission required by the real estate agent which is generally directly proportional to the value of the transaction.

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