An accurate evaluation for financial security

Why valuation should be seen as a benefit, not a cost

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Evaluation itself is a process of analyzing and estimating a value, so it must be seen as a benefit, as an external opinion that can help you, regardless of the field.

At first glance, in the context of the assessment, the terms "benefit" and "cost" may be perceived as contradictory. But this is not the case, because there is a relationship of interdependence between the two terms.

Whether we're talking about valuation for trading, bank guarantee, or valuation for taxation or financial reporting, all of this is a benefit to you. Why a benefit? Very simply, we will give you some examples to have a clearer picture:

1. When we talk about valuation for trading it is very good for you as a seller or buyer to know the correct value of the real estate you want to buy or sell. Why? You have a clear idea of the value, and if the price of the real estate is higher or lower, you can negotiate it.

2. The period of taxes and duties is fast approaching, when taxpayers who own buildings with non-residential use have the possibility to submit an assessment report to the directorate of taxes and fees for the application of a reduced tax rate. Why not benefit from reduced fees if all you have to do is use the services of an appraiser?

3. As an entrepreneur, you definitely want to provide transparent, relevant and reliable information to shareholders and business partners. For this you need an evaluation report for financial reporting.

Good, if above we have detailed some benefits of the evaluation services, we can not ignore their cost as well. Cost, which for starters may seem quite high, in some cases, but by analyzing the "cold" you can realize that it pays off over time.

The cost will always be correlated with the degree of complexity of the work, but also with the volume of work required to draw up the evaluation report.

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