An accurate evaluation for financial security

Valuation of movable property

Posted by
Ionuț Costache

    We admit, yes, we have discussed a lot in previous articles about the valuation of real estate (real estate) and not at all about the valuation of movable property. Today we are going to share some information that can be useful to you in case you need such an assessment.  

    The valuation of movable property can be carried out by an authorised valuer who holds the specialisation of movable property assessor (EBM), and the main characteristic of the goods is mobility.

    The purpose of the valuation of such assets is similar to that of real estate, namely: bank guarantee (when you want to access a bank loan), sale (when you want to buy / sell an asset), insolvency (for liquidation / recovery in case of bankruptcy), financial reporting (for a clear accounting situation regarding the fair value of the assets), etc., and the type of value is influenced by the purpose of the report (market / fair value, to the recovery value or the liquidation value, etc.). In future posts we will detail the benefits of evaluation for each purpose.

    The documents and information necessary for the valuation of movable property are:

  - the document certifying the ownership of the valued asset;

  - documents showing identification elements (inventory number, serial number, etc.) and the physical and technical characteristics of the asset (fixed asset sheet, identity card, technical card, registration certificate – where applicable, etc.);

  - information on the operation regime and conditions, current /capital repairs, accidents;

  - other specific documents, depending on the type of good assessed: approvals, authorizations, etc. (e.g. roadworthiness test for motor vehicles, transport authorizations for specialized means of transport, traffic certificate issued by the Railway Authority Romanian for wagons / locomotives).

    Regardless of the type of asset subject to evaluation, the steps of the evaluation process are the same, namely:

  - analysis of documents and information received from the customer;

  - carrying out the inspection (viewing);

  - estimation of the value and drafting of the valuation report.

    The FairValue team, with a national coverage, is made up of evaluators with a long experience in the field who have in their portfolio all the qualifications and evaluators who are specialized only in a few of the categories. Regardless of the type of asset or the complexity of the work you can confidently turn to fairvalue evaluators.    

    We guarantee for their professionalism.

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