An accurate evaluation for financial security

The importance of the Urbanism Certificate in the evaluation of a land plot

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Antoinette Birjaru

Do you want to purchase an intravilan land through bank credit or cash, but you have not received from the seller the Urbanism Certificate? Find out that this is a defining document when it comes to assessing the terrain.

What would it be like to buy an intravilan land to build a house, but you find out that you can not carry out the construction works due to the fact that under the ground there is a gas pipeline? Yes, it is a situation that is not at all pleasant, but one that can be avoided. How? Asking the seller for the Urbanism Certificate.

The urbanism certificate is an information document, through which the local or county administrative authorities, as the case may be, impose on the builder the details regarding the legal, economic and technical regime of the land and constructions existing at the date of the request.

In order to understand better, imagine that you have committed to a new job, and as in any collective there are rules that you need to know and respect. Well, the Urbanism Certificate is equivalent to the colleague who tells you about those rules, what you can do and what you can't do, to achieve your goals.

We will detail below what a Certificate of Urbanism includes and what is its role in the evaluation process.

Issued at the request of the builder, seller or future owner, the following information is found in the urbanism certificate:

- the position of the construction to be executed;

- the height regime of the future construction;

- the maximum values for the land use coefficient and the percentage of land occupancy.

In the evaluation process, the Urbanism Certificate has a defining importance, especially when we talk about bank guarantee. Most banking institutions do not accept as collateral land for which urbanism certificates have not been issued. At the time of the evaluation, the applicant for the evaluation report must submit to the assessor, in addition to the basic documents - The land book extract, the site and delimitation plan, the property deed, other specific documents, depending on the type of property evaluated (permits, authorizations, etc.) - and the valid urbanism certificate.

The urbanism certificate may contain building bans/restrictions or other limitations, generated by a Zoning Urban Plan (PUZ), The Percentage of Land Use (POT), the Land Use Coefficient (CUT), the existence of green space, etc.

And since the value of a land is influenced by its development potential, the Urbanism Certificate becomes an indispensable tool from which data on the legal, technical and economic regime of the land can be taken.

      In other words, the information provided in the Urbanism Certificate issued for a plot of land is the basis for the analysis of the best use in an evaluation report, defined as the reasonable and legal probable use of a free land or a constructed property, which is physically possible, adequately substantiated, financially feasible and which determines the highest value.

     Our recommendation is that before purchasing a plot of land you should ask the seller for a valid urbanism certificate. For you, omitting this aspect can mean wasted time and money.

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